Digital Marketing Strategy Plan Example

By | August 15, 2023

Digital Marketing Strategy Plan Example – A digital marketing strategy describes a series of actions that use online marketing channels to achieve various goals. Channels can include owned, paid and earned media. The Digital Marketing Action Plan allows you to successfully build and launch your online marketing strategy.

However, no two internet marketing strategies are the same. Your business will have a unique strategy that fits your needs and includes a combination of approaches. A strong online marketing strategy describes the following types of goals – short term, medium term, long term.

Digital Marketing Strategy Plan Example

Digital Marketing Strategy Plan Example

Setting several types of goals allows you to develop a better plan for your business. You can set short- and medium-term goals that will help you achieve your long-term goals, for example.

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When you start developing a digital marketing strategy, you need to think about every aspect of your business. You need to thoroughly analyze your audience, competitors, trends and even adjacent niches to create a polished and up-to-date digital marketing strategy.

During the analysis and after you turn your strategy into action, you will get much more comprehensive data about what is working well for your brand and what is not. Armed with this information, you will have a list of options to improve your business.

If you create a strategy, you will gain a better understanding of how to combine different marketing channels and realize the full potential of your company. A digital marketing strategy gives you a new look at your communications with prospects and customers at all stages of the buyer’s journey.

Digital is the way of the future. A solid digital strategy will help you understand which channels, audiences and outcomes you need to proactively reach to increase your brand awareness, sales and customer base. Ideal for marketing, communications, media and advertising professionals, use this template to refresh and establish your digital marketing strategy.

Best Digital Marketing Google Slides Template

This template will be useful mainly for marketers. You can use the slides from this template as you prepare your marketing strategy. For example, you can describe in detail which advertising channels you will use when promoting your product, the metrics will be used to analyze the effectiveness of the advertisement. You can also introduce different marketing campaigns for each region or country where the brand is represented.

Startup executives can use this template to prepare for their meetings with investors. Media managers can also use slides from this template when preparing their advertising campaigns. Social media promoters can use this template when planning to promote a client’s product through social media.

University teachers can use this template while preparing their digital marketing course. Sales managers can use this template when preparing for joint meetings with company salespeople and developing a joint digital marketing strategy to promote a product.

Digital Marketing Strategy Plan Example

The first slide of this PowerPoint presentation focuses on key business goals and objectives. You can set smart goals, KPIs, annual priorities, sales targets and more. The second slide takes your audience through the marketing funnel: awareness, interest, attention, intent, evaluation, and finally purchase. Slides 3 to 5 focus on the customer journey, distribution channels and digital marketing strategies. Whether you’re presenting to a digitally savvy team or not, this template is clear, concise, and visually appealing to grab your audience’s attention.

Digital Marketing Business Strategy For Customer Engagement

Please make sure you provide a valid email address! Sometimes our emails may end up in your promotions/spam folder. Multichannel marketing or omnichannel marketing is the process of using online and offline marketing communication channels to target and engage your customers.

Outlined in our popular Learning Path module, Plan Using the RACE Planning Framework, Multichannel Marketing Strategy aims to enable marketers and managers to plan, manage and optimize the resources needed to achieve business sales objectives. The time frame is usually annual, but potentially for longer periods such as 18 months to three years.

The purpose is to provide potential customers and sales targets for specific products and services that can be applied to an organization as a whole or to an individual market if there are multiple markets and categories of products or services.

An effective omnichannel approach to marketing considers both the communication technologies and channels necessary to attract customers for specific categories of products or services. An omnichannel marketing plan strategically connects multiple channels into one, thriving, omnichannel communication approach.

What Is A Marketing Plan? Types And How To Write One

Smart Insights members plan, manage and optimize their multi-channel marketing strategies with our dedicated marketing training. With options for both small and large businesses, we have marketing solutions to help you achieve your goals. Find out how to create your winning marketing strategy today.

Need a winning marketing strategy? Book your free 1-2-1 consultation to develop your new strategy with RACE FrameworkBook Consulting.

The key to a successful multi-channel marketing plan is integration; A common challenge many markets face. If your organization has created a digital marketing plan, for example, it should not be used in isolation, but should be used to inform all of your channel activities.

Digital Marketing Strategy Plan Example

Your omnichannel marketing plan should set up campaigns that span multiple channels, serve customers, and adjust them to suit multiple channels. Buying processes are controlled by the customer, not the marketer, so the “always on” nature of multichannel marketing will reach customers through their preferred inbound or outbound channel.

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Organizations that employ an effective integrated multi-channel marketing plan will consistently stand out in the customer lifecycle, acquire qualified leads and maximize conversions. Your multi-channel marketing plan must continuously engage, nurture and retarget customers to convert them into sales.

Which campaigns generated the most sales on which channels will allow you to establish the success of your activities and the return on investment (ROI) of that particular channel. Customers move quickly across channels, so both your strategy and analytics need to be adaptive.

Need a marketing plan that proves and delivers ROI in digital marketing? Smart Insights members use the RACE framework to optimize their organization’s digital vision.

We have the marketing training and tools to help you accelerate your results through streamlined, effective, multi-channel marketing. Book your free 1-2-1 strategy consultation to learn more. Need a winning marketing strategy? Book your free 1-2-1 consultation to develop your new strategy with RACE FrameworkBook Consulting.

Digital Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing: What’s The Difference?

For the best multi-channel plan structure, I recommend you combine SOSTAC® and RACE planning. Why are two frameworks better than one when looking for simplicity? The reason is that everyone has their strengths.

The RACE framework gives you the structure to plan, manage and optimize multiple activities in the modern marketing funnel.

So you can see that SOSTAC®’s strength as a general planning framework is also its weakness; This does not apply to multi-channel marketing communications that specifically require engaging an audience through an engagement funnel.

Digital Marketing Strategy Plan Example

To make sure your multichannel marketing plan has all the features you need, I recommend the SOSTAC® framework developed by PR Smith-Dave Chaffey, co-author of the Digital Marketing Excellence print book.

Digital Marketing Strategy

SOSTAC® is an excellent framework for structuring business, marketing or digital marketing plans as it is relatively simple and logical, making it easy to remember and explain to colleagues or agencies. SOSTAC® is a strategic planning process framework that gives you a clear structure for creating and managing your plan.

The strategy summarizes how the objectives will be achieved. This is the shortest part of the plan, but perhaps the most important, as it guides all subsequent strategies. Answers the questions:

Tactics are the details of strategy (marketing mix, communication mix and channel mix are strategic tools). They highlight in the campaign timeline which strategy is happening when. For example, how to improve our “always on” communication, e.g. How to use marketing automation along with content marketing to generate and nurture leads.

To help you effectively plan your multi-channel marketing strategies, the RACE planning system will provide you with a simple framework.

Marketing Plan Templates To Blow Your Competitors Out Of The Water

There is also an initial planning phase to create an overall digital strategy, setting goals and a plan.

RACE consists of four stages or online marketing activities designed to help brands engage their customers throughout their lifecycle. This infographic shows the goals for each part of RACE and how you can measure them.

Optimize your digital marketing plan by implementing the RACE framework today. We have marketing tools and training to support you and your team in optimizing your digital marketing channels, platforms and customer experience.

Digital Marketing Strategy Plan Example

Our step-by-step process is proven to drive growth so you can win more customers. Book your free 1-2-1 strategy consultation call to find out more Need a winning marketing strategy? Book your free 1-2-1 consultation to develop your new strategy with RACE FrameworkBook Consulting.

Reasons You Need A Digital Marketing Strategy 2023 [planning Tool]

For large organizations, implementing an omnichannel approach to marketing planning can be challenging due to obstacles in the effort:

A multi-channel marketing plan is more of a marketing communications plan than a broad marketing plan. Key results include:

Integration with other organizational plans is critical to tying them into a single, strategic, multi-channel approach to inbound marketing. A multi-channel marketing plan can be integrated with, for example, a marketing plan, a digital marketing plan and a campaign plan. They inform multi-channel marketing plans and vice versa.

Effective integration and compilation results in a long-term integrated communications plan

Solution: Example Digital Content Marketing Strategy Matrix Template0a