Business Growth Strategy For Pathao Car

By | August 11, 2023

Business Growth Strategy For Pathao Car – History of Ride Sharing in Dhaka Dhaka, the most densely populated city in the world with 21 million people. 21 million of these people move for their daily commute. Recent GDP and income growth has helped the middle class own cars. But this causes traffic jams. A World Bank analysis in 2017 found that the average speed of traffic in Dhaka dropped from 21 km to 7 km (per hour), just slightly above the average speed. According to the report of BUET, traffic congestion consumes five million working hours and makes the economy Activities Tk 37,000 crore per year.

Therefore, the village welcomed Pathao, Uber, Sohoz these app ride-sharing, when they left! But this also created other problems that need to be solved!

Business Growth Strategy For Pathao Car

Business Growth Strategy For Pathao Car

Driving problems: According to a 2017 report, there are 500,000 drivers who regularly share rides to meet meeting dates or earn extra money on trips. The number is expected to grow by 100% this year as the demand for such services continues to grow. (estimated 1 million drivers)

Meet The Minds Behind The Success Of Pathao

But the standard 25% commission of Uber and Pathao has left drivers with very little income and very low loyalty rates. Therefore, the driver’s pain is: • Low income • Low job security due to higher employment • Lack of ride-sharing platforms where drivers can earn more • Low self-esteem especially when driving for Pathao (Many drivers consider Pathao to be a platform where drivers are not professional and sometimes have problems find a real addiction)

On the other hand, the customer’s pain is: • Requests from the driver to cancel the drive, and remove the car from the platform • Unplanned weekly travel costs • Safety concerns (don’t know if the driver really knows the road safety rules)

To give you more depth, when the ride-sharing platform started, anyone with a driver’s license could record their trips on the platform with almost no verification. Therefore, many unprofessional and low-skilled drivers can work for ride-sharing platforms.

Road safety is a big issue with many protests across the country to demand Better road safety and security. Recently, when several students were killed due to unprofessional driving, thousands of students like high school students took to the streets to demand better and safer roads and drivers.

Asia Startup Pulse

The business will generate 200 million AUD in revenue each year with a profit of 180-190 million AUD.

The business can affect 1 million drivers in a lifetime, 10 million service providers and can reach 180 million AUD per year.

For one year, the business model shows the cost to be 8.9 million dollars when it comes to 10% of the market (100,000 Riders)

Business Growth Strategy For Pathao Car

Investors can invest 500,000 AUD for 5% and can expect a ROI of 1400% in two years. In the past two years, the company of Bangladesh Patao has paid a lot of attention to the car exchange market in Nepal. If you are an old user like me, you know the scene is not the same 2-3 years ago. We all started with Tootle, which has no competitors in the ride-sharing space. Entering Pathao in 2018, the customer base quickly moved to the new app. Since the market was and still is in its infancy here in Nepal, the purchase may not be good for some people. But even so, to not only attract new customers, but also steal users from Tootle is quite commendable.

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So how can Patao quickly capture market share in an established monopoly and really beat the competition? I will discuss some of the marketing strategies they use to achieve this goal and how you can hopefully integrate it into your own business.

I think we can all agree that Pathao has a friendly and easy to use app. use There are hardly any bugs and the process of registering as a driver or customer is quite simple. Because the company already has experience in the Bangladeshi market, it can provide finished products, so to speak, to Nepal. This means no unnecessary lag or forced shutdown while using the app. GPS is also very accurate and frequently updated (although performance depends on your device). User experience is the foundation of any successful app, and they set it right.

As soon as you register with Pathao, you are greeted with an offer of Rs 50. Back in the day, it was ten off of Rs 50 for every new user. If you refer a friend, you will also get a discount. They have expanded it now, but in the first stage, this is important. For context, let me contrast the discount model. Tootle uses “tootle balance”, which means you must get a certain amount of balance for every trip you make. This is not a very attractive offer, especially for new users. Customers want discounts at hand, find them interesting and often recommend them.

The company’s promotional code model has resulted in people recommending others to join. This is in addition to the regular promo codes they offer which are there to keep customers using the app. Back in 2018, their promo codes are so extensive, I’ll have a discount almost every time I want to ride. This is why I, and thousands of others have switched from tottle.

Buisness Model Canvas

There are many ways Pathao has advertised its products. I will discuss digital marketing later, in this section we will focus on text and traditional advertising.

Pathao sends regular messages to customers to remind them about their app. Even now, under supervision and nothing, they find ways to get you involved with their app. Notifying users of promotional codes, app updates, traffic updates, etc. means users are actively seeing their brand pop up on their phones. This has led to a preference for using apps.

Pathao’s marketing campaign is very targeted and supports many youth and school activities. Again, having cash on hand helps, but effective goal setting is part of it. Instead of just putting up banners everywhere they could, they sponsored shows and events that their customer base interacted with on a regular basis.

Business Growth Strategy For Pathao Car

Although Pathao found a unique approach to traditional advertising, the defining feature of Pathao’s marketing strategy is digital marketing. It is actually among the first businesses in Nepal to actively use Facebook advertising. Facebook and Instagram for their own benefit. Digital marketing has many benefits, perhaps the most important of which is targeted advertising. Pathao has really taken advantage of this and expanded their customer base tremendously.

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Pathao will combine their offers with their digital advertising, they will show customers interesting offers and attract them. Not only customers, Pathao has collected interesting bonuses for its drivers as well. This allows drivers like Pathao to tole who gradually shift the market share to them. Let this be a testimony to your own business, use digital marketing to its full extent, its power is extraordinary.

Now Pathao has expanded to four wheels and is ready to establish a monopoly in the market. The market as well. This new growth has also helped expand its two-wheeler customer base as customers tend to use the same product for different things. Since other apps like Tootle don’t offer four-wheel drive, customers have to download Pathao. When they download Patao, they start using it for two wheels. In this way, users switch to Pathao from other apps making a huge customer base for Pathao.

Pathao enters the Nepali market at a time when young people are increasingly looking for part-time jobs. The company has invested in this concept and marketed its job opportunities extensively as well. They provide ease of use and attractive bonuses to employers. This allows drivers to switch from Tootle to Patao or at least use both. Their marketing strategy is not only aimed at consumers, it is also aimed at service providers. This helps them move forward with more drivers and a bigger market share. Pathao, which roughly translates to “deliver,” became the first online motorcycle service in Bangladesh when it launched in 2015. It is the only company. in Bangladesh providing transportation and logistics services to the residents of Dhaka. The main users of the ride service are students and people who drive to and from from the office. Although Pathao faces fierce competition from international players in the market, including Uber, the company has an advantage over its rivals because its two-wheelers can fight the onslaught of Bangladesh’s heavy traffic better than its four-wheelers. Pathao has created this advantage by taking the time to build its operational activities properly and create a workforce of verified employees. With the ability to ensure fast travel services and courteous and reliable customer service, Patao has received Good response in