Marketing Strategy Dissertation Example

By | July 24, 2023

Marketing Strategy Dissertation Example – I am grateful to the Atlantic International University School of Business and Economics for giving me the opportunity to pursue a doctorate in marketing.

I would also like to thank my guide and constant inspiration Dr. Gilroy Newball and Dr. Cindy Dominguez for their valuable guidance and input. His constant support and invaluable advice have guided me in the right direction. He helped me to know some phenomena related to research methods that encouraged me to channel my studies in the right way. Many thanks to him for his valuable guidance without which this thesis would not have been possible.

Marketing Strategy Dissertation Example

Marketing Strategy Dissertation Example

I am also grateful to “Mr.” Harpreet Singh Randhawa – Executive Director – Stallion Group of Companies for helping me in every step of this success.

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Finally, I would like to thank Allah SWT, my family, friends, and colleagues who have helped me in this thesis.

The business environment moves and changes very quickly, and so do the tools used in the decision-making process. The changing business environment demands that organizations achieve maximum customer satisfaction, exceed shareholder expectations, integrate and harmonize the interests of all stakeholders to remain competitive. With the increase of internet users and applications over the past three decades, organizations have started shifting their focus from offline to online marketing to reach more customers. Online marketing is not considered by many scholars as another form of promotional tools such as advertising, personal selling, direct marketing among others, but a variety of marketing tools to reach a more targeted local and global audience. online legislation.

This research work examines the effectiveness of online marketing in the integrated marketing communication strategy. Specifically, the work aims to assess the extent to which online platforms improve the effectiveness of integrated marketing communication strategies. To achieve the research objective, the researcher used a descriptive survey where marketing/sales division officers of three organizations were interviewed to collect relevant information about the effectiveness of online marketing in achieving the goal of integrated marketing communication. The sampled organizations include Coca-Cola Nigeria (multinational firm), Uber Nigeria (multinational firm) and ABC Paint (domestic firm).

Information was obtained from respondents using a questionnaire instrument to collect data using a 5-point Likert scale. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness, etc.) and frequency (percentage, tables and graphs). Research findings reveal that online marketing increases brand awareness, customer satisfaction, easier integration and management, and facilitates the automation of marketing activities in an organization’s integrated marketing communications strategy. . It equally reveals that the online effectiveness of integrated marketing can be measured using a number of metrics including customer interaction on the site, the number of repeat visits, sales volume and profitability. The study also found that online marketing tools used by most organizations include email marketing, social media marketing, search engine marketing, artificial intelligence and chart bots.

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Therefore, it is recommended, among other things, that organizations should use a variety of artificial intelligence technologies to collect as much information as possible about the needs of their customers, psychographic, geographic and demographic information in order to determine the best marketing and media strategies that will appeal to the target audience and channels . More marketing efforts are going in such a direction.

The global economy and the corporate world have seen huge changes in the last three decades due to the advancement of technology, especially information technology. ICT continues to revolutionize the way we do business, communicate and live. Information technology has disrupted the business world and made marketing theories and principles invalid and irrelevant that any organization that fails to grasp the technological advancements and innovations in information technology will be the entrepreneur of the 21st century. There will be no room for competition in the environment (Preeti, 2018; Belch & Belch, 2004).

Google (2007) argued that the proportion of people with access to the Internet grew at an average rate of 3.8% per annum faster than the world population growth rate. Belch and Belch (2004) further stated that the Internet has grown more than 10 times faster in applications and users since the 1980s, largely due to its features including flexibility, personalization and interactivity. Information technology has filled many difficult gaps in organizations in the past, increasing the organization’s advantage in today’s competitive environment (Devi and Conti, 2011). Information technology can be used as a tool to reach a global audience at minimal cost and has contributed more than 50 percent to the successful integration of the global economy (Devi & Conti, 2011).

Marketing Strategy Dissertation Example

In today’s competitive business environment, every strategic tool of an organization must incorporate one or more aspects of information technology to gain a competitive advantage. This is partly because it allows an integrated and coherent mechanism to share information between stakeholders and audiences involved in the implementation of the strategy. As Preeti (2018) argued, information technology has revolutionized the way organizations communicate with both existing and potential customers, increasing return on investment and reducing the cost of reaching customers. Weinstein (2008) argued that the rapid increase in the role of the Internet in business success is influenced by several activities, including easy access to the Web, low cost of Web access, low cost of communication, favorable policies that favor use. from the Internet. Encouraging. Using, increasing technology among others. ICT has provided a better platform to reach customers easily in local and global markets and the process of reaching customers through the internet is called online marketing.

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Online marketing or e-marketing as it often refers to all marketing activities done online to reach customers as opposed to traditional methods of reaching customers such as print media, sales promotion, TV and radio advertising (Goldfarb, 2011). Weinstein (2008) believes that online marketing is the promotion of an organization’s products through a digital or electronic platform. As with any advertising done on social media, mobile phones, digital television and radio sites as well as digital banners on various websites. Therefore, Internet marketing uses online platforms to deliver promotional marketing messages to customers (Pawar, 2014). Online advertising platforms as noted by Pawar (2014) include email marketing, social media marketing, mobile phone marketing, search engine marketing, and banner advertising.

According to Devi and Conti (2011), online marketing brings an organization’s products closer to consumers regardless of where in the world consumers have access to the Internet. It gives organizations the opportunity to better understand customer behavior, expand product distribution channels, increase sales, track marketing performance data in real-time. Edosomwan, Koume, Prakasan, Seymour, & Watson (2011) further argued that the power of online marketing is derived from the fact that it gives the organization a wide reach of potential customers around the world. Due to the fact that more than 1.5 billion people worldwide use the Internet, and more people join it every day, it’s all about reaching a wider audience in the online world. provides a greater platform than Similarly, the internet allows organizations to stay connected with customers (old and potential) in real time. The Internet provides a platform to send messages to all users simultaneously about upcoming events, sales promotions and messages at a faster and lower cost.

Gone are the days when organizations wait for all public meetings to get feedback from customers about their marketing or product performance, through the internet organizations get feedback from customers in real time, in real time Track product performance and make adjustments based on product data collected in real time real time. Online integration of organizational products and services has saved organizational time and resources because corporate entities now provide detailed information about products and services on the Internet and guide users to access that information. and Belch, 2004). Due to the fact that online is becoming the most prominent source of entertainment and communication, the average working class person is spending more time on the Internet to replace the outdated source of information sharing. So online marketing provides a better, faster, more reliable, more economical, more profitable platform to reach more target audiences in less time and gives organizations the opportunity to achieve more in less time. (Pieton & Broderick, 2005 ).

Online marketing has become a place in the organization’s competitive strategy because it can integrate a responsive and easily adaptable marketing strategy into all marketing and promotion strategies of the organization aimed at increasing sales, gaining competitive advantage, and achieving customer satisfaction, Seymour, & Watson, 2011). The uniqueness and fundamental role of online marketing can be further explored by looking at its potential in the effective integration of marketing communications. Preeti (2018) stated that as the global economy is moving towards an integrated market where all consumers and producers are connected.

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