Economic Growth Lesson Plan

By | June 26, 2023

Economic Growth Lesson Plan – Students work in a collaborative system to research data on key economic indicators (GDP, GDP growth rate, unemployment rate and inflation rate). After finding this information, students should analyze it to determine the current state of the US economy and apply it to predict future economic performance. This project is an introduction to macroeconomics and a unit on measuring economic indicators.

Students work in a collaborative system to research data on key economic indicators (GDP, GDP growth rate, unemployment rate and inflation rate). After discovering this information, students mu…

Economic Growth Lesson Plan

Economic Growth Lesson Plan

Iowa Core 5C, D. Students will understand how global economic concepts present themselves in different types of economies around the world.

Economics Lesson Plan On Poverty

: By applying standard research practices, students analyze economic data and models to make inferences and predictions about the current and future health of the economy.

Description: Students are introduced to basic economic research practices. Students then research current economic indicators and analyze them to make predictions about the future health of the economy. Finally, students are asked to compare Iowa’s economic data with other states to make statements about our standard of living. knowledge

Economists use three key indicators to determine the health of an economy: the gross domestic product, the inflation rate, and the unemployment rate.

States with higher average personal income, higher GDP growth rates, lower unemployment and higher GDP per capita have a higher standard of living.

Solution: Lesson 20

Skills: Independent and group research skills. Ability to make predictions and provide evidence. Independent writing skills. Data comparison. Social skills for working with peers in research groups. Resources/materials required

(How will I know if students have achieved the learning goals/objectives?): Informal: questions, observations during group work Formal: written group report

1. In class: Essay assignment and assigning groups (10 minutes) The poverty essay was given in the last class period, but I wanted to review to understand what was being assessed. Then I assign groups to class activities. 2. In the Library: Instruction and Modeling: Measuring the Economy (15 minutes)  After the students are in their groups, I explain to them the purpose of the class activity and how to find basic economic research data. Using a laptop with Internet access, I demonstrate how to find important financial data and what I expect students to do with this information. Students are left in their groups to complete research and assignments. 3. Activity: Measuring the economy (handout attached) (50 minutes) Students are divided into 3 groups. Each group must work together to research current economics.

Economic Growth Lesson Plan