Customer Value Driven Marketing Strategy Example

By | June 16, 2023

Customer Value Driven Marketing Strategy Example – There are two types of products: product driven and customer driven. The first type is based on the assumption that a great product will find its customers, while the second is about analyzing customers and building something they specifically need.

Just as there are two types of products, there are also two ways to promote and market them. As you may have guessed, we’ll be focusing on customer-centric marketing here.

Customer Value Driven Marketing Strategy Example

Customer Value Driven Marketing Strategy Example

A customer-driven marketing strategy means shifting the focus from a product to the user and basing your marketing strategy, plans, and tactics on customer needs and goals first.

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As counterintuitive as it may sound, customer-centric marketing isn’t so much marketing as it is customer service. Your main goal is to satisfy your customers, deliver exactly what they want and be as flexible as possible for them. Focus on your existing customers and retain them a lot.

You don’t have to look far for examples. it is a 100% customer-oriented product with an associated marketing strategy.

The idea of ​​our tool came from extensive market research. It showed that modern businesses needed an affordable, high-quality live chat tool that had all the benefits of modern messengers, but for customer communication. So the decision was made and the first version of the product was created. What you see and use now is the result of customer feedback and requests.

Kapost’s most recent report showed that today’s B2B organizations create 53% customer-oriented content and 47% product-oriented content. Just a few years ago, B2B marketing strategies revolved primarily around products and services, but now the focus is on people.

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However, customer-oriented marketing is on the rise and we should all pay more attention to it. So how do you approach a customer-driven marketing strategy? Here are 5 essential components:

It’s nice, but if you choose the customer-centric path, your marketing strategy will kick in long before your product is even created.

You should have as much data about your customers as possible. It allows you to segment and target audiences for your marketing efforts. Whether it’s an email marketing campaign or a PPC ad, your success depends on how accurately you can segment your customers into relevant groups and give them what they want.

Customer Value Driven Marketing Strategy Example

Which brings us to the core of all marketing strategies in general and customer-facing strategy in particular: creating your marketing persona. I mean, if you put all your eggs in one basket, you better examine that basket and make sure it’s worth it.

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At the end of the day, you need to come up with a description of your ideal customer. Because one of our buyers (because you can have several) looks like this:

CMO/Customer Service Manager for a small SaaS company of 10 employees looking for a live chat solution in combination with email marketing software.

In a B2B environment, you need to research things like: job title, skills required for the position, company size, etc. In a B2C situation, age, marital status, children and grandchildren are some of the areas to explore. In addition, you will have to understand the biggest challenge of potential customers: their buying preferences, the process of evaluating similar products/services, how they interact with sellers and how they learn new information. 2. Base your product development strategy on customer feedback

Having a dialogue with customers really means you can ask them what they want and give it to them.

Customer Driven Marketing Strategies

A true customer-driven marketing strategy takes customer feedback and puts all product development decisions into action. Every new feature, every improvement, every button on your website – it’s all there because customers wanted it there.

We’ve developed this whole system for collecting and categorizing all the feature requests we receive:

In a customer-centric marketing strategy, customer service plays one of the most important roles. Just think about it. Your focus is on the customers, all you care about is their needs and goals. So how do you approach them? How do you create the necessary trust and maintain an open dialogue? Customer service is the answer.

Customer Value Driven Marketing Strategy Example

There is such a thing as a ‘customer-oriented culture’, which basically means that a company focuses on its customers and their demands and needs, values ​​them above all else and responds to them quickly and efficiently. This mindset isn’t just about your support team, it should be implemented throughout your company.

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While a buyer persona is an overarching pattern for your potential customers’ traits and quirks, you can also rely heavily on your existing customers. Because they are real flesh and blood people who actually use your product and can give you tons of great material to work with.

Why do you need so much data from people who have already signed up, you may ask? Because having first customers not only means a good cause of happiness, but also more work for your marketing team.

The moment someone leaves their email address is the moment your customer-facing marketing team starts making sure they stay with you:

After all, true customer-driven marketing means that you spend as much time on your existing customers as you do on attracting new prospects.

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You know the old saying: what goes around comes around. In short, if you are good to customers, customers are good to you.

If they feel that your business is everything they’ve dreamed of, that you listen to their questions and that you always go the extra mile to help them, they’ll come back to you. They will recommend your company to their friends and colleagues, endorse you on social media, and leave positive reviews on the web. Isn’t it a dream?

You don’t have to wait for your customers to come and share their thoughts, as there are many ways to start a conversation and collect feedback first.

Customer Value Driven Marketing Strategy Example

You can use to send automated email campaigns to different segments of your customers. For example, you can target customers who have rated their chat experience as “Excellent” to request feedback or offer to join your affiliate program.

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At the end of the day, we all want to give our customers an unforgettable experience when they use our products or services. That’s why it makes even more sense to focus your marketing strategy on those experiences instead of running empty campaigns made up.

You don’t need tons of expensive marketing tools if you create top-notch customer service, pay attention to your customers, and give them exactly what they ask for. That should be all the marketing you need.

As a frequent internet shopper and content marketing manager with over 8 years of experience, Anastasiia knows what good customer service is all about. And as head of content at , she knows how to write about customer service so that everyone understands its true importance and key aspects. His professional interests include artificial intelligence chatbots and various aspects of customer service automation. When she is not writing for the blog, she enjoys reading modern literature, watching independent films and cuddling her cat and dog.

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Companies know that they cannot profitably serve all customers in a given market. There are too many different types of consumers with too many different types of needs. Thus, each company must divide the total market, choose the best segments and design strategies to serve the chosen segments profitably. It is the process by which companies decide how to reach their target markets with messages designed to meet customer needs or wants by offering products and services at sufficiently attractive prices that potential customers can

Customer Value Driven Marketing Strategy Example