Guerilla Marketing Strategy Example

By | June 11, 2023

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Guerilla Marketing Strategy Example

Guerilla Marketing Strategy Example

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Effective Guerilla Marketing Tactics

But marketing is all about exploring a world of possibilities and discovering opportunities to get to the attention of your customers.

That belief is at the heart of guerrilla marketing: a crude, unorthodox, and aggressive approach to getting your brand in front of potential customers by establishing your presence in the physical world around you.

In this article, you will learn the different types of guerrilla marketing, as well as unconventional marketing ideas that you can use to increase your brand’s visibility and build enthusiasm for your brand.

Guerrilla marketing is all about gaining exposure for your brand or products by finding cheap and creative ways to grab attention in specific offline locations. It is a term coined by Jay Conrad Levinson in his 1984 book,

How To Use Guerrilla Marketing On Streets

At its best, guerrilla marketing is the perfect bridge to take online customers offline. It gives you instant offline visibility through foot traffic that can be as specific as the location you choose, as well as word of mouth from people talking and sharing your marketing on TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, blogs, etc.

There’s also the chance to generate press coverage if your idea is interesting enough, or even go viral if it’s in the right place at the right time for the right person.

Unlike most online marketing strategies, applying the detailed “do, measure, improve” approach to offline guerrilla marketing can be difficult. Instead, your guerrilla marketing ideas will succeed or fail based on your creativity and execution. There is also a bit of luck involved.

Guerilla Marketing Strategy Example

In the 1980s, guerrilla marketing was divided into four types: exterior, interior, ambush, and experiential. Today, there are more types of guerrilla marketing to try, each with their own pros and cons.

Great Examples Of Guerrilla Marketing

This kind of marketing is not set in stone. You can mix or match any tactic to create the best guerrilla marketing campaign for your brand.

Chances are that as a consumer you have experienced a pop-up store. They are temporary warehouses that are easy to assemble and disassemble.

With a pop-up store you effectively offer your customers the point of sale by setting up a temporary physical store. With a POS system you can even process different payment methods on the spot.

If done right, a pop-up shop can even become part of a tactical PR stunt. That’s what happened to JM&Sons, a company that builds and sells contemporary furniture, handcrafted from reclaimed wood.

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JM&Sons turned a shipping container into a showroom that not only made it possible to replicate the traditional furniture shopping experience, but was also featured in local newspapers and blogs as a result.

They also sold smaller, less expensive items like purses to give customers something to walk away with, a smart way to sell and leave a good impression on most consumers who just weren’t ready to buy a piece. furniture on site.

💡 BOTTOM LINE: As with many guerrilla tactics, the location of your pop-up shop is key. You can place your pop-up shop in an office, on a street corner, at a fair or even in another store.

Guerilla Marketing Strategy Example

Samples are a surefire way to get your products into the hands of consumers. I once had a part-time job promoting products at local supermarkets. I would give away samples of yogurt, coffee, chocolate bars, whatever I was assigned.

Mind Blowing Guerilla Marketing Examples To Drive Your Sales

Several samples can be made from one product and on good days you can sell the entire product stock. It was much easier to sell to people once they tried it. Also, the products I used were written off as a marketing expense.

You can take a similar approach on a larger or smaller scale, giving away samples at events or trade shows where the right people will be attending, or finding a handful of influencers who will endorse your product if they like it. You can even set up joint marketing partnerships to distribute your samples along with another brand’s products.

The Made with Local brand uses free samples and partnerships to get people talking about it. Sheena Russell, founder and CEO, says, “Being a fresh produce brand, we’ve had fun using Instacart to send gifts (samples of our product) to people we recently spoke to about Made with Local. These can be business contacts, potential buyers, etc.

💡 BOTTOM LINE: Make sure your samples contain enough information so consumers can find you online later. And take every opportunity while you’re selling to educate as many people as possible.

Marketing Strategies Mind Map Template

Stickers are an inexpensive way to showcase your brand. Some people even use their laptops, game consoles and other possessions as a canvas to showcase the brands they love.

You can give stickers along with other giveaways or at events, allowing your audience to showcase your brand in a variety of places.

It’s always interesting to see stickers you’ve made stuck in the most random places, like the side of a table at a bar.

Guerilla Marketing Strategy Example

💡 CONCLUSION: You can also use stickers to strategically advertise a post in a specific location, such as pasting your logo somewhere visible to attract more followers. But again, be careful not to upset people as it will hurt your brand. Services like StickerYou and StickerMule offer decent options and prices for a wide variety of sticker types and sizes.

Of The Best Guerilla Marketing Examples

Geo-fencing is a relatively young technology that uses the GPS in your smartphone to deliver exclusive content or experiences when you are at your destination location.

Snapchat’s custom geofilters are a well-known example, opening up a new form of location-based marketing on the platform. The cost of uploading your own files is also relatively low, less than $10 in some cases.

These custom filters give you the ability to impress users in a particular area or event as they slide through the filters while creating a plugin. They can even apply those filters and share them with their followers if they are funny or relevant enough.

A good example comes from Taco Bell, which promoted Quesalupa’s launch with a custom on-demand geofilter that could be used by attendees and influencers at specific locations attending the launch party, allowing them to share the experience offline with its followers.

What Is Guerilla Marketing?

Instagram recently took a similar approach with the ability to submit stories under hashtags and locations for anyone to view. These location tags can get very specific and are definitely worth exploring if you’re promoting a local business or event.

💡 CONCLUSION: Social media geo-fencing is one of the best examples of the blurred line between online and offline marketing, encouraging people to share local moments offline for online consumption.

Retail brands have taken the lead in metaverse marketing. Nike, Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga, Gucci, Zara are some of the brands launching campaigns in the digital world. Metaverses like Roblox have become a go-to place for beauty brands to market their products.

Guerilla Marketing Strategy Example

One such brand, Nars Cosmetics, recently released the Nars Color Quest game on Roblox. The game allows people to explore three islands, inspired by the brand’s Laguna and Light Reflecting blush product lines, and interact with non-player characters (NPCs) to complete tasks. Participants can earn badges and use virtual currency to purchase virtual products and looks.

What Is Mobile Game Guerrilla Marketing?

Dina Fierro, vice president of global digital strategy and innovation at Nars Cosmetics, told Glossy, “Ultimately, our goal is to generate curiosity and interest. It’s an opportunity to tell a brand story to a whole new audience and also why we’re targeting core franchisees who recruit vehicles for us.”

💡 CONCLUSION: It is creative guerrilla marketing techniques like this that will shape consumer perception of a brand. While the metaverse is aimed at younger, more tech-savvy audiences, small businesses can still use guerrilla marketing techniques to build brand awareness and add an element of surprise to their marketing efforts.

Traditional marketing was not a priority for Red Bull at launch. Instead, he took the guerrilla marketing approach, giving away free samples to men in the 18-35 age range at college parties and bars. The promoters were often other marketing students, which helped the brand connect with its target market.

This tactic, along with the hanging of empty Red Bull cans in trendy shops, clubs and bars, made the brand go viral long before the social media platforms got it done.

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Instead of spending their marketing budget on billboards, banner ads and Super Bowl commercials, Red Bull attended events and handed out free Red Bull to everyone in sight.

💡 BOTTOM LINE: Set aside a budget for event marketing instead of spending it all on digital promotions. Make sure your promoters are people who represent your target audience and can build relationships with potential customers.

While pop-up stores have become more popular in recent years, smaller retailers can still find it difficult to launch one on a budget. The costs of opening a pop-up store

Guerilla Marketing Strategy Example