Marketing Strategy Example For Interior Designers

By | May 29, 2023

Marketing Strategy Example For Interior Designers – If your business is struggling you need to do a better job at marketing. And even if you’re busy you can’t stop your marketing efforts. In other words, you always want to sell because when you stop, customers stop.

If you haven’t created a marketing plan now is the time. You may be selling and not realize it (and if you have customers you probably do) but if you want to get the right customers, now is the time to focus your marketing efforts.

Marketing Strategy Example For Interior Designers

Marketing Strategy Example For Interior Designers

There are three steps I want you to take: who you’re targeting, your marketing goals, and what actions you’re going to take. I think people think you have to have a big budget to have a marketing plan and that’s not true. There are many low cost or free marketing campaigns you can do.

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But if you’re not thorough in any of these steps – if your focus is too broad, if you don’t know what your goals are, and if you’re taking stupid steps – marketing won’t work.

Who are you targeting? Who are you trying to reach? If you don’t have a target you will never hit it. So, if you don’t know which client you’re looking for when you sell – you won’t reach anyone. So it is very important to identify who you want to serve so that you can sell to them.

When you fully understand and fully understand your dream client then you will know where they are. If you don’t understand your client, you don’t know where to look.

After you understand who you want to target – you need to consider what your marketing goals are. Your goals determine where you focus your actions. It’s important to have one main selling point to focus on, but at the same time you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket. So my advice is to have one big goal, but have 3-5 smaller goals or areas of focus.

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So you may see some of them more clearly than others and as you choose your goal and begin to launch your actions – your goals should become clearer. So your goal could be “get published” and while you are working on how to accomplish this, your goal should be more specific – get published in 3 local magazines. Or be published in Telluride Homes and Lifestyles. Or have a 4 page spread in the newspaper. Or get an XYZ project photographed and published in a national magazine.

Now that you have your big goal – think about all the actions you can take to achieve that goal. So if you want repeat customers – maybe you’ll implement a regular newsletter, send birthday cards, and send a proposal about what to do next in their home.

Or if you want to expand your network – you’ll attend an event where you’re invited, make new business cards with your photo on them, send invitations to coffee.

Marketing Strategy Example For Interior Designers

So you’ll want to determine what actions you can take for your big goal, but also what routine actions you’ll take for the smaller ones. I recommend that you have marketing efforts in these 4 types: Public, Sponsors, Press, and Marketing.

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The customer category should focus on retaining customers and getting them to come back and referrals. This could be how you wrap client projects, common communications with past clients such as birthday cards, holiday cards, or a newsletter. It may be asking for referrals and offering a referral bonus (like giving a reason for their choice.)

Advertising is a direct paid effort—such as Facebook ads, newspaper ads, or sponsoring your local parade.

So if you have a big goal in the Customer category – you’ll also want to create smaller goals in the other categories to make sure you cover everything. So maybe you add a monthly volunteer, submit completed projects to a favorite blog, and put an ad in the PTA newsletter into your marketing plan. Today, selling interior design offers more opportunities than ever. Now you have new ways to connect with customers and grow your business. One of the most common questions we hear is, “How can I get more clients for my interior design business?”

In this post, we present the best interior design marketing strategies that will help you connect with more potential customers. And, they will help ensure that you get a solid return on your marketing efforts.

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1. Develop a clear vision for your interior design business. “They may have completely different paths to success. But one thing that all successful entrepreneurs have in common is that they are clear on where they are going.”

Barbara Corcoran, a self-made entrepreneur, realtor, and Shark Tank investor, has this to say about the most successful businesses she’s met: “They may have different paths to success. But one thing that all successful entrepreneurs have in common is that they are clear on where they are going. “

If you don’t have a clear idea about what you want to do with your interior design business, then it’s time to sit down and think about it. This may include creating a vision board and a short- and long-term financial plan. Without specific goals in mind and a vision for the future, it can be very easy to get distracted (and potentially waste money) on things that don’t get you where you want to be.

Marketing Strategy Example For Interior Designers

Think about where you want your business to be in six months, a year, five years, and beyond. Think about the patrons you will have, the types of interiors you will design, and whether your group will be large or small. Once you have a clear vision, it will be easier to make decisions about which interior design marketing strategies will be most effective in helping make your vision a reality.

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Since marketing is a cost center for your business, it’s important to invest in marketing strategies that will deliver the highest return on investment (ROI).

Consider all the business activities you’re involved in during a given week, from networking, to meetings with clients, to actual creative work, and more. There is a limited number of hours per week. How much can you give to marketing, whether it’s the things you do or the time you spend working at an interior design agency?

Next, figure out how much budget you can set aside for marketing. Even if you’re not sure, you’ll want to at least have an idea of ​​what you can invest in to try other things to see what will work for your business. Only you know how much money you can expect to make from each client and how much time it will take to do a good job for them.

Thinking about your marketing investment as a percentage of your time and your total revenue will help you make smart decisions about allocating your resources.

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Your brand acts as a multiplier for your business. When you can’t face potential customers, your brand is always what works for you: in your past work, on your website, on social media, and in the minds of your customers when they refer to you.

Your brand should be reflected everywhere you have a digital presence, and it should reflect your style, your level of work, and your personality. These factors make the decisions for any potential client when they think they want to work with you and whether they will contact you or move on to the next person.

Whether your business or brand is new or long established, it’s a good idea to take the time to write down what your name means to you and what you want it to convey to your customers. Good signs don’t just happen. They are the result of careful consideration!

Marketing Strategy Example For Interior Designers

This is another area where a vision board can help. Writing down keywords, choosing inspirational quotes, and gathering images about what you want your brand to convey will help you highlight the most relevant brand attributes. Is your brand interesting? Are you focused on fun and colors? Or is it your current expertise? Once you’re clear about your brand’s attributes, it makes it easier to build interior design marketing campaigns that reflect its value.

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To quote another self-made millionaire on Shark Tank, Daymond John, designer of clothing brand Fubu, often reminds new entrepreneurs, “You are a brand.”

What Diamond says is that you need to embody the values, dignity, and personality you want to convey when it comes to your company’s brand. This is especially important if you work in an art industry like interior design, where immediate impressions are important.

Ideally, your potential customers will first get to know you through your work: on your website, on social media