Marketing Strategy Memo Example

By | May 13, 2023

Marketing Strategy Memo Example – One of the best ways to learn about the high-level strategy of the company and the product is to observe the activities of the main players.

Because execution is messy and subject to many variables (for example, a good strategy can be overshadowed by terrible execution), it is even better to know how leaders think and define their strategy.

Marketing Strategy Memo Example

Marketing Strategy Memo Example

However, in 99% of cases, we do not have access to this confidential information. Sometimes, however, documents are leaked, companies declassify important memos over time or investigations (for example, DOJ with Microsoft), open these documents to the public and provide a good learning opportunity. This post aims to exploit the cases by maintaining a list of influential internal memos and documents.

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Bosworth discussed Facebook’s position on political advertising and the relevant milestones from the painful experience of 2016. Finally, he argued that Facebook should resist changing advertising policies or behavior to prevent Trump’s re-election, citing philosopher John Rawls’ concept of the “veil of ignorance” – the idea that the only moral way to decide something is to remove yourself from the data . with the participation of anyone. Full document here.

Bosworth argues that the main function and purpose of Facebook is to connect people and, regardless of the side effects no matter how ugly they are (for example, terrorists using Facebook to coordinate in an attack), the goal is ultimately to connect more people around the world. even this Therefore, he points out that there is nothing more important to achieve that goal than the aspects of development, even if the aspects are questionable, such as the importation of address books. Full document here.

Zuckerberg talked about VR and AR as the next critical platform and made the case that Facebook should own two of the three core components (ie, hardware, killer app and OS). He claims that Facebook is blocked because they only have one component of a mobile phone (ie, a killer app) and Apple and Google own it because they own the hardware and OS. He made the case that billions should be invested because the stakes were high. Full document here.

Butterfield asked the team to develop their customer base by selling an innovation, not a product. He argues that no one is looking for the next generation workplace, chat platform but businesses want things like “less email,” to be more efficient and so on. The title draws an analogy to riding a horse: trading dreams is the open frontier, not its saddle. Full post here.

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Jobs outlines the six main reasons Flash isn’t allowed on iPhones. The main argument is that with other open standards such as H.264, Flash has security, reliability and performance issues, kills battery life and is not naturally designed for a touch interface. Finally, Apple doesn’t want a third-party software layer between it and developers. Full note here. Netflix culture document (Top)

First published in 2009 by Chief Talent Officer Patty McCord, it is one of the culture’s classic documents. It emphasizes Netflix’s focus on freedom, responsibility and creating a high-performance environment. Full original slide deck here and recently updated document here .

In essence, the Garlinghouse memo argued that Yahoo had lost focus and decisiveness. He claims the company wants to be “all things to all people” and therefore spreads its resources as thin as peanut butter. To break the spiral, he argues, the company must regain focus and accountability through reorganization. Full copy here.

Marketing Strategy Memo Example

This letter was written as a message to prospective owners on the eve of Google’s IPO. He got inspiration from Warren Buffet’s owner’s manual for Berkshire. He noted that Google is an unconventional company, that it will sacrifice short results for the long term, that it will focus on serving end users and that it aims to make the world a better place. place Full letter here. Jeff Bezos service mandate memo (Top) Date published: 2002

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This is what Jeff Bezos stated that each Amazon group should expose functionality through service interfaces. Alternatively, it is a mandate that teams must build technology products as they will be accessible to external developers in the future. Specifically, it ends with “Anyone who doesn’t do this will be fired. Thank you and have a good day!” Main bullet points here. Bill Gates on the arrival of the “internet tidal wave” (Top) Publication date: May, 1995

Gates said that the internet would be a huge sea change, that it should be the company’s top priority and that internet features should be baked into every product line. He talked about the basic structure of the internet, that the cost to consumers of accessing it will quickly decrease and that they will face new competition. He names almost every major trend and threat that Microsoft will face in the next 20 years. Full note here.

An amazingly detailed read on the challenges that almost every team/company faces when building complex software projects: optimistic timelines, changing priorities, rotating team members and team leaders. Full document here.

Real interview questions. Sample responses from PM leaders at Google, Amazon and Facebook. Additional study sheets on key concepts. A memo (also known as a memorandum, or “memorandum”) is used for internal communication about procedures or official business within an organization.

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Unlike email, a memo is a message you send to a large group of employees, such as your entire department or the entire company. You may need to write a memo to inform staff of upcoming events, or broadcast internal changes.

If you need to inform your employees about official internal business, here is an easy-to-follow business memo template, as well as examples for further guidance.

Let me know if you have any questions. In the meantime, I appreciate your cooperation as [official business information] continues.

Marketing Strategy Memo Example

In your header, you’ll want to clearly mark your content as “Memorandum” so your readers know what they’re getting. Next, you’ll want to include “GO”, “From”, “DATE”, and “SUBJECT”. This information is related to providing content, such as who you are sending it to, and why.

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In the first paragraph, you want to quickly and clearly state the purpose of your memo. You can start your sentence with the phrase, “I am writing to inform you…” or “I am writing to ask you…”. A memo is meant to be short, clear, and to the point. You want to deliver your most important information up front, and then use subsequent paragraphs as opportunities to get into more details.

In the second paragraph, you want to provide context or supporting evidence. For example, let’s say your memo informs the company of an internal reorganization. If this is the case, paragraph two should say something like, “As our company continues to grow, we’ve decided it makes more sense to separate our video production team from our content team. This way, that teams can better focus on their individual goals.”

In the third paragraph, you’ll want to include your specific request from each employee — if you’re planning a team trip, this is the space where you’d include, “Please RSVP with dietary restrictions,” or “Please email me . questions.”

On the other hand, if you are informing the team about the upcoming construction of the building, you can say, “I appreciate your cooperation during this time.” Even if there’s no specific action you expect from employees, it’s helpful to consider how you expect the news to be handled and whether you expect them to do something in response to the memo.

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Would you like to see the memo format above in its final form? Download HubSpot’s free business memo templates, shown below. The document gives you a framework that organizes your memo into subtopics to help employees better understand the information and understand what is expected of them after reading it.

The format shown in the templates above is designed to effectively communicate your message. A memo should convey the necessary information in a way that can be easily digested by many employees.

A proper subject line will let them know that this memo is specifically for them. And starting with an executive summary allows recipients to understand the overall message before you go into deeper details. Background information provides context to the message, and the overview and timeline should answer questions that are likely to arise.

Marketing Strategy Memo Example

Different industries or situations will require slightly different memos. Some should be longer or shorter, some may have no timeline, and some have a lot of background information. The format of your memo should vary to match the message you want to convey to your employees.

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The purpose of this memo is to notify of a delay in product shipment. The introduction includes the new date, so there is no need for a timeline or long overview. The format of this memo can be used in other situations where a simple but important change has occurred. Other date changes, promotions, milestones or product announcements may also use this format.

There are logistical aspects of business that involve your employees, but their work doesn’t necessarily involve them. This memo shows an example about an office kitchen. This is a little inconvenience, but it does not affect their work. This can be applied to other building updates, work from home days, or otherwise