Marketing Strategy Hotel Example

By | May 4, 2023

Marketing Strategy Hotel Example – Your hotel marketing plan is an important part of your business. If you want to advance your marketing strategy, you need an action plan!

Whether it’s your first time or your fiftieth, there’s no harm in reviewing the steps and structure.

Marketing Strategy Hotel Example

Marketing Strategy Hotel Example

If you are new to hotel marketing, you may be wondering: How do you create a marketing plan for a hotel? What are the main elements? What’s the best way to show my hotel GM all my great search engine optimization strategies or social media marketing ideas?

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I thought it would be helpful to break down a typical hotel marketing planning process step by step.

Anyone can use it, whether you’re creating a marketing plan for a 5-star hotel, a small bed and breakfast, or a casual resort.

It’s all free for you, so hit the button below to grab the file. Then come back to this page and we’ll dig a little deeper into the process together. 💪

If some of this sounds a little confusing or you’re not familiar with the annual business planning process, don’t worry, I’m going to explain each piece of the puzzle below.

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Every hotel is unique. Your marketing plan will evolve and change throughout the year as new challenges (and opportunities) arise.

Be flexible, but keep an eye on the price: What is your overall goal for the year – and how can marketing support it?

Opening your hotel sales and marketing plan with an executive summary sets the tone for your overall presentation.

Marketing Strategy Hotel Example

Think of your executive summary as a comprehensive overview of everything you’ll cover in your broader marketing plan.

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In a few sentences, use this space to introduce a “big idea” or “big goal” for the coming year. You may also need to include some context information that drives your plan, such as a major renovation.

You and your hotel company leaders have probably already had some conversations about the “big picture.” If not, it’s a good idea to get together and get on the same page.

Although summaries are funny… it will be the first thing in your marketing plan presentation, but usually the last thing you write!

While your summary may change from year to year, your hotel’s vision and mission statements should remain fairly consistent. What’s a hotel marketing strategy if you don’t have a clear idea of ​​who you are and what you stand for?

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If you’re part of a large chain or brand, you might want to use something you get from head office.

To write a hotel vision, you need to be clear about the direction of your business. Where do you want to be in 5, 10, 15 years? Vision statements are aspirational.

When writing a mission statement for a hotel, think about your immediate objectives instead. what are you doing

Marketing Strategy Hotel Example

Clear mission statements give your hotel a sense of purpose for the present, while a vision statement shows your direction for the future.

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Before delving deeper into the opportunities and challenges ahead, your hotel or resort marketing plan should include a high-level local market analysis.

This part of your hotel marketing plan should be a collaborative process with your revenue management team or revenue manager. After all, setting hotel prices is a delicate art.

Every time I’ve worked on a marketing plan for a luxury hotel, the team comes together to plan our position on the price matrix grid – and determine where we want to go next year.

Sharing is caring! If you want to use this hotel rate positioning grid image, please share this article with a mention and/or a link. Please do not copy!

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You may already be familiar with this. I don’t know about you, but I’ve certainly done my fair share of SWOT-ting over the years. 😅

Your marketing plan for a city center boutique hotel will not be the same as someone else’s marketing strategy at an island resort. Heck, you can have a collection of several boutique hotels on the same floor – and any business plan

When creating hotel marketing plans, conducting an in-depth SWOT analysis helps identify each property’s unique competitive advantages, areas for improvement, and growth opportunities.

Marketing Strategy Hotel Example

That’s why it’s important to get some historical data for your hotel, not only to track changes, but also to make forecasts and business goals for the next year.

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This is what needs to be evaluated. Include at least 2-3 years (ideally more!) of this data in your marketing plan presentation:

Despite all this talk about SWOTs and skimming, vision statements and RevPAR, there’s one very important topic we haven’t really covered yet: your visitors.

All of my marketing and hotel copywriting advice starts something like this: Know your audience and write for – or sell to – it.

You want to create one (or more) unique guest characters that really appeal to your hotel’s typical customer.

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Use all available data sources and start gathering insights. Your booking engine, Google Analytics and even Facebook can tell you a lot about your visitors:

Where do they come from? How old are they? What was their reason for traveling? Have they been with you before?

Search your different hotel departments to gather more anecdotal information. This will help you improve your visitors’ interests, motivations, and other relevant behaviors.

Marketing Strategy Hotel Example

If you know what really motivates people to choose your hotel, you can address them directly in your marketing plan.

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For larger hotels, you may want to create a guest persona for each unique segment of your business. Which brings us to the next part of presenting your hotel marketing plan…

For smaller hotels and some BnBs, your business mix may not be very different. Still, when marketing a hotel, it’s smart to target different segments of your business with their own laser-focused strategy.

Generally, segmentation of the hotel market includes several major business segments, usually categorized by specific rates or additional amenities:

Depending on your unique situation, you may see some walk-ins or even “walks” – such as when another hotel overbooks and their guest (person) moves in to cover the cost difference. Cole “walks”.

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Many hotels also offer some free bookings or exchange stays. This may include offering free stays in exchange for transferring new employees, media visits, or any other business purpose.

Of important grounds. Now it’s time to get into the “planning” part of your hotel marketing plan. Start by identifying your marketing goals for the next year.

But once you determine your marketing objectives, it becomes much easier to determine which offline and online marketing channels to prioritize.

Marketing Strategy Hotel Example

A quick note: hotels have many different distribution channels available to them. You have online travel agencies (OTAs) that sell you rooms, but charge a hefty commission. You also have a global distribution system (GDS), which connects your rooms with travel agents and consortia such as BCD or American Express.

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Now I want to make it clear that you don’t have to do everything to have a successful hotel marketing strategy.

However, these channels overlap, and many feed into each other: blogging, for example, is valuable for SEO and provides content for social media and email marketing.

By now you have already identified your target guest profile, so think about which channels are most effective to reach them. Where do they “hang out” online? What really influences their purchasing decisions?

Remember that you cannot be everything to everyone, and it is very difficult to be everywhere at once.

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Psst… I can help you with that last one. Check out my online hotel marketing courses on SEO and social media strategy or subscribe to my YouTube channel for weekly tips and tutorials.

From housekeeping and sales to the front desk and behind the bar, everyone in your building has goals they need to achieve – individually or as a team/department – ​​and all these smaller goals drive the business forward. work together to increase

For example, if getting more direct bookings with your hotel is a top priority, website traffic and conversion rate are important metrics for you. Set some specific (but realistic!) business goals for each.

Marketing Strategy Hotel Example

To measure something like brand awareness, you can look at metrics like press mentions or the increase in the number of followers on your social media accounts.

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If you’ve identified reputation as a weakness, consider measuring customer service interactions instead of social or average ratings on sites like TripAdvisor.

No matter what your overall, overall objective is, meeting the right supporting metrics and set (S.M.A.R.T.) goals is critical to measuring marketing success.

Once you know what you want to achieve, you can delve deeper into how. Which brings us to…

You’ve determined your market position and visitor profile, determined your objectives and have an idea of ​​which marketing channels to prioritize.

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Now that you know where you want to market your hotel, it’s time to talk about the specific strategies you’ll be using.

I already mentioned some strategies in #10, such as blog posts and a good online reputation management system.

However, there is something else you should keep in mind. I’m talking about the actual buyer journey, or my favorite subject, the online booking funnel. This

Marketing Strategy Hotel Example