Marketing Strategy Example B2b

By | April 6, 2023

Marketing Strategy Example B2b – B2B (business-to-business) marketing is aimed at organizations or companies rather than individual consumers. Because it targets a completely different audience, B2B marketing strategies differ from B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing.

If you don’t have a B2B marketing plan to outline your buyer personas, budget, promotion and advertising and other strategies, your efforts won’t be as effective. Take the time to put together a B2B marketing plan that contextualizes your campaign, examines your resources, analyzes your current marketing efforts, and creates a strategy to achieve your goals.

Marketing Strategy Example B2b

Marketing Strategy Example B2b

Every slide plays an important role in your B2B marketing plan. Use graphics like sales funnels, Gantt charts, area graphs, timelines, and more to illustrate your points and capture your audience’s attention. Each of these are available with your B2B marketing plan template and can be added in an instant. Use our sample B2B marketing plan as a guide to create your presentation:

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Avoid the temptation to crowd your slides with text or graphics. Be concise and stick to one topic per slide

What actions should your audience take after your presentation is over? Include a next step to prompt them to take action.

It’s easy to get bogged down in numbers and small details. Use graphics to transform your data so your presentation is easy to follow.

Where is your business now and where does it plan to go with your marketing plan? Frame your presentation as a story to make it more engaging and memorable.

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Marketing Strategy Example B2b

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I had been working in email marketing for a while before starting my first B2B campaign. Of course, I knew that B2B campaigns had to be handled differently than my normal consumer outreach, and I thought I had made the necessary adjustments.

What I didn’t realize is that small tweaks to generalized email marketing tactics aren’t enough to create a successful B2B campaign. Whether you’re a newbie learning the ropes or a seasoned B2C marketer making the switch, trying to work with anything other than a custom-built B2B email marketing strategy is a recipe for disaster.

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I’ve learned from my B2B mistake, and in an effort to save other marketers from making the same mistakes, I’ve put together a guide to creating a customized B2B email marketing strategy.

Common email marketing tactics don’t work for B2B campaigns for the same reason, two nearly identical doors still need different keys: you’re trying to get different people through the door. Here are some specific ways that common email marketing tactics fail when applied to B2B campaigns.

Most email marketing campaigns are aimed at individuals, but B2B campaigns are aimed at companies – or rather, multiple people within a company. While the recipient of a B2C email is responsible for every step of their own buying journey, a company’s buying process involves people in all kinds of roles.

Marketing Strategy Example B2b

When you identify a B2B target, you’re actually identifying a group of targets—and your strategy must account for the differences among multiple contacts within the company.

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What this means in practice: To reach people effectively, you need to send different emails to different people in the same target business.

It doesn’t take very long to buy something on your own. To paraphrase one of my favorite Ariana Grande lyrics: You see it, you like it, you want it, you’ve got it. Simple. (In my case, there’s usually “you check your bank balance” in there somewhere too, but that’s a bit tongue-in-cheek for a pop song.)

For a company, on the other hand, the purchasing process can be like herding several cats. Getting multiple departments to coordinate a decision, especially one that requires budget approval, takes a lot of effort—and a lot of patience.

What this means in practice: Because email marketing campaigns span the entire customer journey, expect your marketing cycle to take longer for B2B businesses.

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Consumers know they’re consumers, so when writing B2C emails, you can be more specific about the fact that you’re trying to sell. Content like promotions, discounts, and sales announcements fit into a B2C campaign, but look weird in an email sent to a business.

B2B emails perform better when they focus on conveying information and resources. Educational content like trend reports, industry benchmarks, tutorials and webinar recordings help prove your brand’s value to B2B subscribers.

What this means in practice: You have to find entirely new content types and formats to use for your B2B campaigns – repurposing B2C content is out of the question.

Marketing Strategy Example B2b

You get it: B2C or generalized email strategies are a no-go for your B2B campaigns. But it wouldn’t be very helpful for me to tell you which tricks not to use without giving you which tricks to change, would it? Here’s how you can manage your B2B email marketing campaign.

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When you target a specific B2B business, you’re actually targeting the company’s buying center—the group of people who decide whether or not the company will buy your product.

If you’ve done any marketing in the past, you may be familiar with an ideal customer profile (ICP), or audience vignette, created by outlining the demographics, behaviors, characteristics, challenges, and needs of your potential customers. Your B2B targets are groups, so you’ll need to expand your ICP to include separate columns for each different role in the target company’s shopping center.

With customer profile metrics in hand, you can get into the mindset of each member of your target customer’s buying center to better understand what types of emails are appropriate for each role.

For example, an initiator or user is likely to be interested in guidelines that relate to an aspect of the user’s work. If you sent the same email to a buyer that was primarily related to the purchase and renewal of the product rather than its actual function, it would likely be sent straight to the trash.

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The more tailored your emails are to your target’s actual needs, the more effective they will be – and the fewer unsubscribe or spam reports you’ll get.

When I’m running a campaign at scale, the thought of tailoring my emails to every single person in the company sends me running for the hills.

Email segmentation tools (which are built into most email marketing platforms) allow you to group your subscribers by their characteristics. Instead of grouping contacts by company or industry, list each individual buyer persona. With as few as six segmented lists, you can hit everyone on your target list with content tailored to their interests and needs.

Marketing Strategy Example B2b

The B2B email marketing cycle should more or less mirror the B2B customer journey. By planning your campaigns around the stages of the customer journey, you can ensure that your emails are not only relevant to who your target is, but also where they are at any given time.

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There are five main stages in the buyer’s journey and different types of content are best suited for each stage.

Email templates are another valuable tool to have in your work-smarter-not-harder toolbox. Building a solid library of high-quality templates takes time, but you’ll thank yourself when you can check hundreds of emails a day and still clock in with five.

The key to using templates is that the recipient of the email shouldn’t be able to tell it’s a template. Create a library of templates for each of the different types of email you typically send, using the same branding elements across the board, but make sure each template is still visually distinct. I have a separate template for each campaign:

Maintain a pattern

What Is B2b Marketing?