Promotional Strategies Questions

By | March 25, 2023

Promotional Strategies Questions – The internet seems to be full of useful, entertaining and educational places, not to mention important places for brands and businesses to connect with their audience.

One site that keeps popping up for us is Quora, a community-driven question-and-answer site. We’ve mentioned this in several articles on topics such as ideas and content sources.

Promotional Strategies Questions

Promotional Strategies Questions

I had fun researching it and learning about everything there is – it’s a lot! From content ideas to authority building to content creation and more, Quora has a lot to offer – even if you only spend a few minutes there every day.

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It’s a great place where someone can ask an SEO question and Rand Fishkin can answer it, or someone can ask a question about playing basketball with the president and Barack Obama can get on topic.

Apart from setting up a simple Q&A, there are some advanced parts of Quora that you might want to know before jumping in.

According to Quantcast, about 775,000 people visit Quora every month in the US, a significant audience of well-intentioned curious knowledge seekers.

There are several great reasons why marketers should consider Quora. KISSmetrics and blogs list the best:

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Of course, getting direct ROI from Quora is not the number one goal – like most social media sites. Ash of SmartHustle puts it this way:

However, being pushy or selling is something you shouldn’t do on Quora. Aim to spread knowledge instead.

With that in mind, here are 12 quick ways marketers can get the most out of Quora in five minutes a day.

Promotional Strategies Questions

Quora displays the first 50 characters of your profile (name and bio) as a tagline above your answer.

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State the brand name as close to the beginning as possible and use the maximum of 50 characters.

You can also have bios on the subject. So you can mention your social media experience when answering social media questions and your engineering experience when answering code questions.

Click on your profile page to set up a related bio. In the right column, you’ll see a list of “Knows About” topics. Next to each topic is a “Describe your experience” link. Clicking here will allow you to customize your theme bio.

All of these things help you get found on Quora and can make it easier for people to find you when they’re looking for Quora users to answer their questions.

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And if you’re new to Quora, take a moment to go through the answers and upvote anything that catches your eye. Upvotes appear immediately on your public profile and can be a good sign that you are active on the site.

To get started, enter the topic you want to follow in the Quora search box. Quora gives you an auto-populated list of suggestions, and when you go to a topic page, you’ll also see an additional list of related topics to follow on the side.

For blog posts, search the blog name or author and click to follow the blog to get updates for each new post.

Promotional Strategies Questions

To make sure email notifications are set up correctly, go to the Settings page and click Email & Notifications. Here you can fully customize the frequency and specificity of your emails from Quora.

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Plus, every time you log in to Quora, your home feed will have the latest and greatest from the topics, people, and blogs you follow.

You can answer any question you want on Quora, and it’s a great way to participate in the community and share knowledge.

By spreading knowledge, you gain experience and influence. Perhaps the most immediate benefit of Quora to marketers is being seen as an authority on a particular topic.

The Crazy Egg blog calls out the best Quora answers that provide statistics, sources, and references – a nice, short answer that points to an external source.

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And then after you’ve written your “nice and short” (and valuable) answer, you can add a link to whatever you’re referring to, which is especially nice if it’s available in long form on your blog or website.

Here’s a great example of a response that meets many of these qualities—short, to the point, to the point, includes a link to more information (and is well-formatted, which I’ll get to later).

Now we’re getting into the realm of content repurposing — making sure your blog posts and articles are valuable long after they’ve been published.

Promotional Strategies Questions

Take that blog post, find the questions it answered, and find those questions on Quora.

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You can then share your answers to Quora questions and link to the blog post for full details.

On the results page, if you don’t see the name listed as a topic, you can look in the right sidebar under the Add Question box and click the Create Topic link.

When your topic is live, you can ask the Quora community to review the topic. This is especially useful for people wondering whether to subscribe to a service or otherwise engage with a company. For you, this is a great way to add some social proof and testimonials to your brand’s presence on Quora.

Quora can help you generate not only story ideas, but entire blog posts.

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This idea of ​​crowdsourcing content follows a bit in the crowdfunding post template. Ask people for their thoughts on the topic and compile all their responses into an article.

With Quora, you can ask about stories or experiences that people have had (instead of a specific, closed-ended question with one correct answer). Here are some great examples of questions like this:

If the value is a generic question from any and all answers, you can leave things here. If you have a question that is very specific to those who know their stuff in your industry, then you may want to take a few extra steps.

Promotional Strategies Questions

First, make sure your question is unique and properly categorized. It helps the right people find it.

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Second, invite specific Quora users to answer the question. After submitting your question to Quora, you will see this option (see below).

Andrey Petrik from Search Engine People has a good way to sort users here. Search for Quora users based on the following qualifications:

If you know who the experts in your field are, you can search for them by name and ask them to respond.

Once the answers come in, you’ll have the basis for a great post with a variety of sources and information.

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Just as you can do a little headline research by typing your keywords into Google search (autocomplete is a great way to learn what people ask), you can do the same with Quora.

On the results page, you will see how people ask their questions about the keyword you have chosen and therefore how you can frame your content.

The most popular questions in terms of answers and upvotes can be a signal about the value of the way things are spoken. And all of these can help you write headlines for your next blog post.

Promotional Strategies Questions

Use Quora to give your users customer support and positive feedback about your product.

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Like all other social media channels, Quora also allows you to interact directly with your customers. On Quora, they can ask questions about your product, and that’s a better feeling than having a company employee or even the CEO answer those questions.

Each answer provides statistics on how many times it was viewed and by which users. If you click on the # views button, you can see how readers are being directed to your answers. Do they find your content through your profile, through tagged topics, or through random browsing? You can also get an overall estimate of who has seen your replies by visiting your personal views page. A quick look at these statistics will tell you which routes are likely to give you the most coverage.12. Start a Quora blog to transform your content

To get started, click on your profile and go to Blogs. You can create a blog and customize its name, URL, and description.

Just like LinkedIn content, these posts are shared on Quora and you can share your posts on social media to attract readers and followers.

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We recommended Quora as a possible option to modify the content of your existing blog. Bloggers like James Clear do this to great effect.

Quora may not be well known as a visual network, so if you add some visuals to your Quora content, there could be a big opportunity.

Many Quora users add pictures to their answers to support their points. And these images, while primarily useful, attract attention. See how they are included in the Quora answer stream here.

Promotional Strategies Questions

The first photo in the answer appears as a thumbnail next to the answer when viewed in the question stream.

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Apart from photos, you can also add some custom formats