Packaging Ideas For Small Business

By | February 27, 2023

Packaging Ideas For Small Business – You start a small business. You love it, and you love the things you create. But do you know that your product is only one part of your business? A big part of the course!

But have you ever thought about the way these products leave your store? The customer’s experience is not only in the purchase, and as a small business, everything counts. Especially your packaging! There are so many stores that are packed really well, and there are so many ideas out there! Does it always seem like these ideas cost mega bucks?? You can easily use the value of your product in packaging without caution. In fact, a study by Ohio University* found that the cost of packaging for the retail price of the product can increase up to 40%.

Packaging Ideas For Small Business

Packaging Ideas For Small Business

Can you save almost 10% of your sales price for packaging?? So, how do you package your handmade items in a way that is affordable, visually pleasing, and easy? We have a few ideas for you! But – before you check them, you need to do one thing first:

Creative Custom Packaging Trends To Try In 2021

First impressions are important! The cost of good marketing and logo design is important for small businesses! You may think, girls – I’m not a big shop. Do I really need a logo? If I can’t do it myself, should I really hire someone?

Think about it. Branding is how people know you. Branding can be an emotional response to whether people are drawn to your business or products. Branding can also position your business in the market as something that may or may not be seen.

Make a logo. Get a good goal created. Once you have a logo in place, you have something that can be used for everything you do business with. It will give your business the polish it needs to stand out, but better yet, your customers will appreciate the effort put into it.

Search Amazon for ‘Repair Bags’ and you’ll be flooded with hundreds of budget options. 75, 100, 200 bags easily for $20 or less. We found the waxpaper, the white repair bags at our local craft store in a pack of 50, but you can easily order them online!

Types Of Protective Packaging For Shipping

Why do we like them more than traditional paper bags or lunch bags? Simple. The food safety bags have a little coating on them, so you don’t have to worry about the unfinished paper (like fine dust) on your silicone beads. Another big reason? They have a flat bottom, which is convenient for mailing, stacking and storage.

Looking for ways you can dress up a bag for free? Get creative with it! We selected some adorable mini dresses in white from our craft store, and they come in packs of 25 for $5! Another of your materials can be inexpensive cards printed on your home color printer! Easy peasy!

Do you have time to order our beautiful letter boxes?! At a very good price, they are a beautiful way to encourage your customers, but also protect your goods during transport! The hole at the top also makes them easy to hang at your local craft store or store. Practical, functional AND beautiful? YES PLEASE.

Packaging Ideas For Small Business

But what’s more – they are so simple that they can be worn in many ways! An easy way to make an impression at no cost is with printables! You can buy stationery from your local store and print it on your home printer.

Packaging Ideas For Small Businesses

CaraTip: Take them out of place and wrap around the ball. The side placement looks smart! Combine it with cute little string or ribbon, a thank you card, and you’ll have a beautiful design!

*whispers* Here is a professional CaraTip that will only cost you a few cents. Cut a piece of colored paper into the bottom of your cardboard box. It instantly changed the look of the box!!

Washi tape is a fun addition to any packaging! It’s a great value, and a great way to add character to a simple bag!

Try this on for size! Put your Washi tape over the seal on the top of your package so your customers can clearly see that no one has opened or tampered with the product they received. It’s a great way to add a layer of emotion to your package. Buy bags here from our store in two sizes! The one shown above is our average.

Personalised Packaging Paper Premium Branded Vellum Paper

We love a good rubber stamp. We love the stamp even more when it’s used as a great value for the name! For an average of $25 (depending on the vendor or retailer you use), a custom rubber mounted stamp can be a great way to cut printing costs. If you have a stamp, you can use it to write your thank you notes without having to buy printed paper. You can do the same for business cards, receipts, postcards, and this – cardboard packaging!

Combine with a piece of tape to hold your items to the cardboard, and you’ve got a cute and cohesive package!

If you haven’t seen them yet, you should check out our adorable new Muslin Bags! They come in a gorgeous wheat color, twine draw string, and are the perfect size to hold a soother clip and lanyard. What else?? They are very cheap! Need a way to be yourself? With the extra rope you have laying around (you know you have a stash :P), you can replace the rope with colored nylon rope!

Packaging Ideas For Small Business

Do you want a little? Click on a few beads to get to the end of the string! (PS: let us know in the comment box below if you’d like to see how-to instructions!)

Thank You For Shopping Small Happy Mail Stickers Packaging

What is free and only takes a little effort? Thoughts. If you can’t do anything else, a note thanking your customers for their support can be the ‘best packaging’ you’ve ever done. Your simple note, and your thoughtfulness to thank them will make a bigger impact than a pretty package ever could.

This is why we love and support small businesses. You can connect with your customers based on trust and personality. So, make an investment of ZERO money, a small amount of your time, and write a thank you note for every order placed!

We want to see the way you package your handmade items! Share below if you have other ideas that have saved you money!

Get a discount on your entire cart, based on your order subtotal (before shipping and tax). Request your discount code at checkout. So you decide to start your own business? Starting a small business is a great way to use your creative skills and hobbies to earn money on the side or even as your full-time job.

Diy Product Packaging

And with the right kind of packaging, it can encourage people to come back to your small business for more of your products.

If you have just started your business and need some inspiration on how to package your products, I have collected 20 small business packaging ideas that can help you out.

If you sell medical products, the options for food-safe bags may be very simple in design or they do not necessarily match the vision of your brand. A simple solution is to dress your bag in white by attaching a tag with your name. Love the clothes pin here!

Packaging Ideas For Small Business

Maybe you want to change your packaging now and then – or you have a small business that you need to spice up your packaging every month.

Creative Packaging Ideas For Small Businesses

Over at, they have a monthly t-shirt subscription where the theme of the packaging matches the theme of the month’s shirt. The packaging serves as a cute little teaser of the theme of the product!

Here is a solution similar to the paper bags for practical items. Try storing your items in drawstring canvas bags.

To make your packaging look good, you can emboss your logo on the bag using a custom stamp. The best part is that your customers can reuse the bag!

Simple solutions don’t have to harm the environment. In fact, many consumers want better packaging than anything else.

Product Packaging: The Ultimate Guide

Small businesses like are switching from plastic bag packing tape to custom waterproof duct tape. A new and great idea for the world!

You can’t go wrong with simple paper and twine! As a small but cute detail, you can add a little bit of dried flowers to your package.

Add a little more fun to make your items pop! Small business owner @craftijaci, add custom thank you cards, stickers, and stickers!

Packaging Ideas For Small Business

A unique packaging idea is to have labels that match the product design. To make this idea easy, the small business t-shirt print their designs in black and white to be seen less.

Creative Packaging Ideas That Are Inspirational And Innovative

Thin strips of paper towels can be used